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v0.11 Namtok Ngao

Namtok Ngao

Photo by Maria Goroshko

Why Namtok Ngao?

Namtok Ngao is a national park in the Ranogn province of Thailand. This release is about Barrier API and Ranong is a border town near Myanmar, so it is a perfect match 🏝

Two highlights of this release are:

Migration guide

This release contains a couple of breaking changes, so please read the migration guide carefully.

Use Effector v23

To use Farfetched v0.11 you need to use Effector v23 and have all related dependencies (effector-solid, effector-vue, etc.) updated. Please, refer to Effector v23 migration guide for more details.

Delete isAbortError

Since v0.10 aborted Queries and Mutations are not treated as failed anymore. So, isAbortError is not needed anymore and can be safely removed from your codebase.

Full changelog



Patch Changes

  • 3f09dc5: Bump allowed version of atmoic-router to 0.9.1



Patch Changes

  • 730ef73: Do not flick .$status during cancellation



Minor Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • ef2d3a5: Support enabled in keepFresh
  • ec2ab95: Do not throw nonserializable error in case of invalid URL

Minor Changes

Released under the MIT License.